Thursday, December 29, 2011

Handwriting tag!

I'm getting terribly obsesse- I mean, fond of Franki's lovely blog. Much like her, it's fun, pretty and laid back, and she tagged me to post some handwriting tag thing. I felt like writing earlier today (I promise, I did) but unfortunately, I was out until 11pm! Stupid Bus Eireann, ruining my plans for blogging and such...anyway, here's me tag.
My handwriting is somewhat multi-personalities. I have very, very, very small and tidy handwriting for Home Ec., very messy writing for History and everything in between for everything else. Mostly it's a mix of print and cursive and it depends on not only the pen, but how I'm feeling today. My handwriting doesn't reflect me at all - I'm damn consistent, but alas, my writing is not.

1. Forename and name of blog
2. URL of blog
3. Write 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'. (It has all 26 alphabet letters. Oooh!)
4. Favourite quotation
5. Favourite song(s)
6. Favourite Artist(s)
7. Anything else you want to say?

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