I'm not going to lie: up until June, 2011 kind of sucked. I was sad, school was basically my whole life and I listened to a LOT of bad songs. I also wrote some really cringy poetry...but anyway. Happily, the latter half of the year took the roughness of January-June and kicked it's ASS. I had a blast from July through to the fun I'm still having now...in between studying, of course! So much has changed - I know people say that EVERY year, but it's true, this year more than ever. I've grown up (a lot!), done new things (I've been drunk! I went to parties!) and I've chilled out a lot. Basically, the second half of 2011 made me a lot happier than the first half, and possibly several preceding years. Or maybe that's the tomato relish and cheese sandwich I just ate talking.
In July, I did the best thing that I could have done: I fucked off to France for two weeks with only my family and 8gb of Doctor Who to keep me company. We stayed for a week in the South of France, before training it down to Paris for a few days. Taking the train around France was so much fun - I'd love to go inter-railing when I'm in college, solely for that dusty, exciting smell you find in train stations in Europe. Not the damp smell of pee and weariness in Connolly. France was gloriously sunny, pasta filled and relaxing and even though I was ready to leave by the 14th day, two weeks with family and without a phone did me good. Also in July, I had a bunch of people stay over and we watched horror movies and Jeremy Kyle until 6am. My last day of July was visiting a CTYI reunion, which was nice, but weird. I didn't miss it this year, to be honest. But that's another story.
I love this photo. I'm not sure why - it was a mistake, Dad got in the way. But it's cute.

Ah, August. August 2011 is a month I have a feeling I'm going to remember for quite a while. [warning: this WILL get slushy. Those who cannot wait for my New Years Resolution to take effect, look away now!]
August started off with a very scared, chocolate finger-touting Áine spending three weeks in Connemara: totally alone. It was the scariest thing I've ever had to do in my life - I'm FINE socially (better than I think, apparently) but my god, when you're surrounded by hundreds of teenagers, all with friends, it's a bitch to go up to them and become their new BFF. Scratch that: that's hard IN ENGLISH. In fractured, halting, why-do-I-do-honours-Irish gaeilge? It's next to impossible. For some reason, however (karma?) the fates smiled on me and Gavin, who I knew vaguely from Colaiste Acla 2008, was there. After a slightly awkward dance on the first night, some intervention from the wonderful Jana, and a very helpful beret, I eventually managed to make some friends. And, wonder of wonders: dear readers, I met a boy! David, after a week of asking me to dance, stealing my hats and trying not to get kicked out of Colaiste Sheo, got his act together about a week in and we've been together since. And it's wonderful. And he's wonderful - I can't say it enough. AND I WILL SHUT UP NOW.
August was cray-cray when I got home, too: suddenly I had this boy, perched in South Dublin, who I was expected to visit from time to time. So a good portion of August was spent on Bus Eireann. I did have time, however, for a few tea evenings with my friends, some trips to Donadea, and, most importantly, THE DEBS! The Debs was absolutely fantastic - after months of waiting, dress trying on and worrying about how short my hair was, I had a lovely night, happily drunk off friends, David and vodka and ribena, the drink of kings. Oh, and Kate got her Leaving Cert. results - 475. Exactly what she needed. Vintage-fucking-Kate.
August deserves two photos - it was the best month of 2011 by a country mile. So here is the gang in Connemara - I'd just begun to talk to everyone there, I was freaking delighted.

Me, Neil, Conor, Roisin, David, Emmet, Gavin, Orla, Jana, Andrew, SHANE!, and Eoin :)

The Debs! (also the only decent photo of Dave and I known to humankind)
Oh, September. The hallowed month of returning to school - for the final time. I feel as though a cloister bell should be sounding. Yup, in September I began my Leaving Certificate year, and it's been pretty relentless so far. There were still some great moments, both in school and out - History class has become somewhat of a sanctuary for me, and no doubt the bants were had in that class. I also turned 18 in September, in the middle of the week - party hard! My favourite moment of September came from the "information night" we had in school, where Sheila, Ashley and I laughed so hard I thought we'd be kicked out. And we learned the most important lesson of all...

No doubt the highlight of this month was Frances', Brenda's and my joined 18th shindig, held in the splendour of Chez-Franki. I went to see The Lion King for my 18th - which was lovely, too, but it doesn't quite compare to a house party and all that Blue WKD. I also voted for the first time in October, saw Michael D. in town, and stayed in my granny's house for a week. Here she is reading my Home Ec. book, which is apparently fascinating. Oh, and the obligatory costume party shot -

Like April, November is a nothing month. It's dull and boring and no one likes it. Is November your favourite month? I thought not. I saw three plays in November: An Triail, Big Maggie and Silent, the latter being a definite 2011 highlight. It's a one man play about homelessness, suicide, drugs and homosexuality, but it's hilarious, heartbreaking and wonderful. Go see it if you ever come across it. Phenomenal. Other things that happened include my trip to the Mock Dáil in NUIM: I didn't exactly do Scoil Mhuire proud but I enjoyed it, and it was definitely a cool new thing to try. I also attended my best friend Ross' older sisters wedding, which was mucho fun for a school night! Here's my and Rosstifer on the night - aren't we cute?

As I type this, it's the last morning of December 2011. December was great once I got off school - which seemed to take years. I also attended a party in ~Terenure, which was interesting to say the least. I went to Open Days and celebrated Christmas with a cow tea towel and a shiny new iPhone 4. So yeah, I didn't do too badly at all. There isn't much to say about December, mainly cos I've been blogging it all - so, to sum up, some photos! Here's Emmet skulking at the Terenure party, and Roisin and Brenda being Harry and Ron in English class.

To sum up: 2011 was the girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead. When it was good, it was very very good, but when it was bad it was weeping, wailing and bad poetry, not to mention horrid. Here is a list of things that I learned this year:
- It's very hard to maintain a secret relationship with an asexual.
- More cheese is always a good idea, but so is the gym.
- Long, drizzly walks in Connemara CAN be fun.
- Sometimes, one has to accept the weight.
- Space Mountain is less fun the second time.
- Alcohol is, in fact, my friend.
- Documentaries about bikes are a whole different genre of documentary,
- Black leather boots work with ANYTHING.
- Stuff is always more fun when you have a Blue Box.
- I could trust Brenda and Zoe a hell of a lot further than I could throw them.
- I might never be Beyoncé, but it sure as hell won't stop me trying!
- How to make truffles.
- When you're sad, Doctor Who can always cheer you up.
- I'm actually pretty great.
- I have no idea what to do with my life.
- Sometimes, dance music is great, particularly when Calvin Harris is involved.
- Never trust a suit wearing Englishman. He will steal your beret.
Here's to 2012. Come at me, bro.

One of the funniest photos of me taken this year. Success Áine says thank you for reading and have fun in 2012 :)
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