Since I got back into the blogging groove I have become a little obsessed with reading other people's blogs, both those I know and those I don't. To my utter delight, I discovered the fantastically written and damn cute To Be Quite Franki quite by accident the other day - it's a new-ish blog about fashion, art and life written by my lovely school friend Frances. It's brilliant, but I had absolutely no idea that it existed until the day before yesterday when I stumbled upon it.
This might sound a little, well, weird, but I really admire Frances' ability to keep stuff like a blog quiet. We've been friends for a good while now, and I never knew about her blog - whereas I set this one up less than a week ago and it's all over my Twitter, Facebook and I tell everyone in real life, too. Likewise, my long-suffering school friends hear stories about David on a daily basis, and great as he is - I'm not sure they care quite as much as I do. I'm naturally quite chatty and extroverted, but I just can't seem to shut up sometimes. It's a serious flaw in my personality. Being an open book is all well and good, but sometimes one needs to learn to keep quiet. Last week, I asked my friends to hit and/or berate me if I mention David or college - so far it hasn't quite worked, but I live in hope. I may not need to broaden my vocabulary much, but I certainly gotta work on my topics of conversation.
Like I said, I have an infinite admiration for those who are just cool - who don't need to broadcast their lives to the world. The sort of people who don't have their name on their tumblr and who, in my head, listen to cool music and wear a lot of layered, autumn coloured clothing. Actually, a lot of my close friends are like this - Kate hasn't posted a Facebook status in months - but it's just not in my nature to be introverted. In a way, it's self-interest. I'd love to be introverted in that way, though, because telling everyone about (almost) everything comes across as so childlike. I should probably work on becoming cool before college...oops, there I go again!
To sum up, here is a photo of Kate and I: she's a blur, trying to get out of the photo, wheras I...well, see for yourself:

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