Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Christmas.

I love it when older people call the festive period "The Christmas". It's one of those ways of talking (along with the truly wonderful "I do be" tense found only in rural Ireland) that has become quaint and unusual, now that we all talk like we're American. But anyway, that's another post.

We're well and truly into Advent now, with a mere 12 days to go before Christmas day. As a sixth year, I don't have exams this year, but for some reason this hasn't really helped my festive spirit. I'm just not feeling Christmas this year, though I think that might be the Leaving Cert. talking.

If it's not that, it might be that we only got our tree on Sunday. Normally, we all go to Donadea forest and spend a good hour debating the merits of trees (I like the short, plump ones. Everyone else likes them as tall as they'll go.) before buying two as a compromise. We bring them home and decorate them with our mishmash of decorations, ranging from classy spangly baubles mum bought last year to, eh, my doughy playschool creations. Job done. Pretty as anything. This year was different. I was too bogged down by projects to pick the tree, and it's now Tuesday and it still hasn't been decorated. It's a little bit sad. I can see the tree from where I'm sitting - it's cute, quite small actually - with three sad looking ornaments on it. Sin é. It's a sad sight, I'll tell you. Our other tree - the 7ft behemoth in the corner of our conservatory - is something I don't even want to look at. Why my parents insist on buying a tree for a room that's about -20c on a good day, I'll never know.

Something else that's preventing me from getting into my usual Christmas happiness is the fact that I don't finish school until the 23rd. Neither do any of us, I guess, but it's not exactly festive to have French verbs, photosynthesis and algebra heaped upon your head. Though I guess we did cover "Advent" by Patrick Kavanagh in English, which prompted me to start singing this, and it's been stuck in my head ever since:

Yeah, it's a four year old. I can't find the Grinch version! It's accurate though. This year, I just can't seem to find Christmas. Maybe I need to look deeper into the box of Roses or go to mass or something...

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