Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wishful thinking: sleep.

I really wanted to write a blog post today. I really did. Unfortunately, cooking a dinner (and a cake!) and entertaining friends/a boyfriend all evening has sapped all my energy levels for this evening, and now it's midnight and I'm falling asleep. Why does that happen? . By midnight, I'm ready to drop in a way that suggests the sleeping patterns of an infant, not a college student. And don't talk to me about nights out -- I'm useless for about three days afterwards. For the moment, I can do very little to help this. I can only hope that I can one day become as indifferent to sleep as the rest of you...

Of course, you would imagine that I could sleep wonderfully late if I stayed up late. Nope. I have a rigorous drill-seargant of a body clock, barking orders to wake up at the same time every day. I wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed only to mooch around my flat all morning, eating hobnobs and wondering why I'm incapable of sleeping past 9.48am. I hate you, afternoon lectures*. It's unfortunate if I've been busy -- falling asleep at five and waking around nine is never fun. 

It's quite sad really. I feel like I miss out an awful lot, being asleep in the dead of night. Much of the fun of the internet seems to take place at that time, and I could finally get to finish Breaking Bad if I could stay up past 1am.

Sigh. This has been a sleep deprivation post. Zzzzzz.

*That's a lie. My flatmates have four 9am starts and I don't know how they do it.

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