Friday, August 24, 2012

Probably the best rock song in the world...?

From first year discos to the day after I got accepted to college, this song never fails to make my heart rate speed up a little bit. I heard it around earlier today -- I have loved Appetite for Destruction since first year. That's an achievement, especially when you consider that

  • I have never listened to anything by them that isn't on this album
  • I like no other bands remotely like G'n'R
  • I was in first year SIX YEARS ago
It's ever so perfect: as perfect as a song that isn't by The Beatles gets, to be honest. Plus, 80s Axl Rose is hot and I still have a soft spot for solos. So go on, enjoy the six-minute magic of classic rock'n' rooooooooooooooooolllllll, brother!

1 comment:

  1. Such a brilliant song! Perfect for any get-together with ANYONE, because everyone knows it.
    Also, congrats on your Leaving results! :)
